Hello there! I'm so happy that you've come to visit the Witch of Boise website! This is my first ever blog for Witch of Boise, and I'm so excited to be blogging!
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New endeavors and positive energy flows all around. Hoping so much that this bears fruit and returns on you all that fantastically beautiful energy you put out in the world. Friday’s are my favorite works as I get to chill and paint for awhile with you. Gauls are the order of the day with stripes, plaids, checks, and naked men painted blue. Been thinking I should send you my old Norse Tarot deck so that it might get some use. Hmmm, if you have a PO Box I could send it out when this situation is over, just drop an email.
New endeavors and positive energy flows all around. Hoping so much that this bears fruit and returns on you all that fantastically beautiful energy you put out in the world. Friday’s are my favorite works as I get to chill and paint for awhile with you. Gauls are the order of the day with stripes, plaids, checks, and naked men painted blue. Been thinking I should send you my old Norse Tarot deck so that it might get some use. Hmmm, if you have a PO Box I could send it out when this situation is over, just drop an email.
Best wishes, love, and light!